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elcome to Mysterious World, your online guide to exotic travel destinations around the world! Mysterious World is a quarterly online journal dedicated to exploring ancient and exotic locales around the world, providing you with the information you need to truly appreciate what they have to offer. Mysterious World provides you with the historical, archaeological, and travel information, as well as biographical information about famous people and artifacts related to these famous locales. Whether you are planning that dream trip to Egypt, or you are looking for an interesting nearby destination for a simple day trip, or overnight excursion, Mysterious World covers it all.

In this premiere issue of Mysterious World (Winter 1998), you will discover that you needn't travel to Egypt or Mexico to view pyramids and other ancient structures. America has a rich heritage of its own, with numerous ancient structures including pyramids, burial mounds, "effigy" mounds shaped like various animals, and many more examples too numerous to mention. America has an ancient history every bit as rich and varied as that of any other continent; unfortunately, America's past has been largely erased by erosion due to its moist, temperate climate.

However, this does not mean everything has been erased, simply hidden more thoroughly. Hardier artifacts made of hard wood and stone, even cured hides have survived the ravages of nature to give us tantalizing glimpses into an ancient past that doesn't fit neatly into the history we've been taught in school. Tales of giants and dwarves, ancient wars and explorers from other continents, tombs and mummies with characteristics reminiscent of ancient Egypt, Mexico, even China and India, give us tantalizing glimpses into an American past far stranger — and more mysterious — than anything even the most imaginative fiction writer could conjure.

And Mysterious World doesn't stop at exploration of travel destinations in North America alone. Exotic travel destinations from around the world will be explored, from every continent. And as each destination is covered in our quarterly journal, comprehensive travel information, including books, supplies, maps, lodging, and lists of hyperlinks to other relevant sources of information will be accumulated so you can refer back to them at any time. As each quarter passes, you will discover the interrelationships between these various cultures around the world, both geographically and ethnographically. Eventually, we will see that the ancient world was vastly different in many ways than the one we see in our school textbooks.

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions as to what sorts of information you need to make your travel plans complete, please e-mail me at

Bon Voyage,

Doug Elwell
President and Publisher
Mysterious World
December 24, 1998

Editorial | Fragments | Aztalan | Carpet Rocks | Sphinx I
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