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The Legend of Atlantis Part I: Atlantis in History
Part II: The Antediluvian World
Part IV: Atlantis Rising
Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet
Edgar Cayce's Atlantis
Atlantis Links
Atlantis Books
Atlantis DVD
o this point in our study of the legend of Atlantis, we have studied two different major sources that contain information regarding Atlantis
and/or the antediluvian world: Plato, and the Bible. However a third, very interesting source can be found in the visions of the
controversial modern "prophet", Edgar Cayce:
Edgar Cayce
was born in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, on March 18, 1877. He grew up in the sort of environment that most people grew up in at that time, raised by a family of average means, surrounded by his extended family in an idyllic rural setting. The late 19th century, the period he was born into, was a period of tremendous religious revival around the country, and as a result, Cayce grew to be a man of deep religious feelings, very well versed in the Bible and in the Christian faith. He made a habit of reading the Bible from cover to cover once every year, and even taught Sunday School, being renowned for his ability to make the Bible "come alive". However, though Cayce was from all outward appearances a typical man of his time, he had since his youth displayed numerous psychic abilities, abilities that would forever dominate his destiny.
At the age of six or seven, he told his parents that he could sometimes see visions, occasionally talking to relatives who had recently died. For the most part, his family attributed these experiences to an overactive imagination and paid little attention to them. He found comfort in reading the Bible and decided to read it through from cover to cover, once for every year of his life. Its stories and characters became familiar and very real to him. At the age of thirteen, he had a vision that would influence him for the rest of his life: a beautiful woman appeared to him and asked him what he most wanted in life. He told her that, more than anything, he wanted to help others especially children when they were sick. Shortly after the experience, Edgar displayed a talent that could no longer be explained by his family in terms of the boy's imagination: he could sleep on his school books and acquire a photographic memory of their entire contents! It was found that he could sleep on any book, paper or document, and upon awakening, be able to repeat back, word for word, any length of material - even if it contained words far beyond his limited education.1
Despite these abilities, little more of consequence occurred for some time, and the young Edgar Cayce matured into normal adulthood. This period of normalcy continued until Cayce was in his early twenties. However, around the turn of the century, an unexpected event occurred that was to set into motion a series of events that would change his life forever, and shed potential new light upon our understanding of legendary Atlantis.

One day young Edgar found that he had developed a severe headache and, after the headache had gone, he found that he had developed
laryngitis and was unable to speak for several months.2.
Strangely enough, the cause of Cayce's laryngitis was found not by a doctor, many of which had tried and failed to cure him, but by a
traveling entertainer by the name of Hart, part of whose act was hypnotism. Hearing of young Edgar's difficulty, he invited him to be
hypnotized in order to cure him of his persistent laryngitis. Oddly enough Cayce, though he was unable to speak normally while awake,
was able to respond perfectly well to Hart's questions while under his hypnotic spell, though the condition returned once he had returned
to normal. One doctor suggested that Cayce undergo hypnotism in order to see if he could diagnose his own ailment, and a local man by the
name of Al Layne was found to place young Edgar under hypnosis. Cayce, however, was actually able to put himself into a hypnotic trance,
and all Layne had to do was ask Cayce the questions. Upon asking the question on how to cure himself of
his laryngitis, Cayce quickly responded, giving detailed instructions on what Hart should do. The cure was successful, and
the date, March 31, 1901, marked the first time Edgar Cayce would give a psychic reading.3
Layne pleaded with Cayce to continue to do the psychic readings, and Cayce reluctantly agreed, with the caveat that the information thus
uncovered could only be used to help people. This was, of course, the life purpose that he had requested so many years previously when he
was visited by the "beautiful woman" in a vision, a life purpose that was now clearly coming to fruition. For the next 22 years, through
his readings he helped countless people heal their physical ailments by recommending various combinations of dietary supplements,
exercises, special medicines and, in some cases radical, previously unknown forms of surgery. These amazing insights into human physiology
and medicine could not possibly have come from a simple country man with limited education and no medical training. Despite this, Cayce's
insights into human physiology via his psychic readings were so incredibly helpful that he single-handedly started what is now referred
to as the wholistic health movement, a movement that even today is radically transforming healthcare.

In 1923, Cayce was doing a health reading for a printer from Dayton, Ohio, when he offhandedly mentioned as part of his reading that the
printer "once was a monk".4 Cayce had inadvertently added the fact that the man apparently had lived a past
life as a monk, though this had not been the intent of the original reading. This caused a crisis in Cayce's faith, as he believed,
correctly, that Christianity
and reincarnation are incompatible. Though he reconciled the two in his own mind as compatible, question remains as to whether they are
or not, as the Bible states plainly that men are born only once.5 Yet, many religions believe in reincarnation.
Could both somehow be true?
In either case, this discovery opened up a new avenue of possibilities for Cayce's readings, and a new form of reading, the "life reading",
was developed to investigate the past lives of souls who believed that they had been reincarnated.
Soon afterwards, the "Life readings" were developed, dealing with an individual's previous lifetimes, as well as the person's potential and
purpose in the present. In time, the topics in the readings were further expanded to include mental and spiritual counsel, philosophy and
contemporary spirituality, meditation, dream interpretation, intuition, history and ancient civilizations and even advice for improving
personal relationships.6
Between that fateful day on October 11, 1923 and his death on January 3, 1945, Cayce gave over 2,500 life readings. Over time, Cayce came
to the conclusion that a person's life path is determined by "the will of the individual, together with influences from past
incarnations".7 He developed (or redeveloped) the concept he called "karmic patterns" that he believed arose
from a subject's past lives. If his subjects were having problems in their current lives, it was because they had used their abilities to
do evil in previous lives.
Cayce counseled his patients to do good in this life in order to balance out previous karmic debt, so that their next incarnations will be
into positive situations. "Thus the soul is to make use of its successive rebirths to balance the positive and negative karmic patterns by
subduing selfish impulses and encouraging creative ones."8

In order to acquire the information his patient was requesting, Cayce relied on two primary information sources. The first was the spirit
whose latest incarnation was the patient for whom Cayce was doing the reading, which Cayce always referred to generically as "the entity".
The second was the
"Akashic Records"
or, what Cayce also referred to as "The Book of Life", a sort of universal, spiritual hall of records in which the lives and destinies of
all people who were to ever live throughout history were written down in every detail. When performing a reading, in order to retrieve his
patient's "file" from this hall of records, Cayce underwent a mysterious journey:

An artistic interpretation of the Akashic Records, which Cayce claimed that he visited whenever he needed to retrieve information
on a particular person or subject. The Akashic Records are a sort of "hall of records" which, some believe, contains complete
information on the lives of everyone who ever lived throughout history, both past, present and future. Image from The Association
for Research and Enlightenment (ARE), www.edgarcayce.org.
I see myself as a tiny dot out of my physical body, which lies inert before me. I find myself oppressed by darkness and there is a feeling
of terrific loneliness. Suddenly, I am conscious of a white beam of light. As this tiny dot, I move upward following the light, knowing that
I must follow it or be lost.
As I move along this path of light I gradually become conscious of various levels upon which there is movement. Upon the first levels there
are vague, horrible shapes, grotesque forms such as one sees in nightmares. Passing on, there begin to appear on either side misshapen forms
of human beings with some part of the body magnified. Again there is change and I become conscious of gray-hooded forms moving downward.
Gradually, these become lighter in color. Then the direction changes and these forms move upward and the color of the robes grows rapidly
lighter. Next, there begin to appear on either side vague outlines of houses, walls, trees, etc., but everything is motionless. As I pass
on, there is more light and movement in what appear to be normal cities and towns. With the growth of movement I become conscious of sounds,
at first indistinct rumblings, then music, laughter, and singing of birds. There is more and more light, the colors become very beautiful,
and there is the sound of wonderful music. The houses are left behind, ahead there is only a blending of sound and color. Quite suddenly I
come upon a hall of records. It is a hall without walls, without ceiling, but I am conscious of seeing an old man who hands me a large book,
a record of the individual for whom I seek information.9
Each person's "file" in the record contains everything they ever thought, said or did throughout their entire lives, and contains the same information regarding what they would do in the future. Once he had retrieved that person's record, Cayce would then provide his patient with a sampling of information that would be most beneficial to them at that time in their lives.10

The First Great Age of Atlantis: Foundation to 50,000 b.c.
The Second Great Age of Atlantis: 50,000 to 10.000 b.c.
The Third Great Age and The Final Destruction of Atlantis
One of the most common recurring themes in Cayce's life readings has been Atlantis. Many people who formerly lived in Atlantis, according to
Cayce, have been reincarnating into bodies in the twentieth century, and not all of them for the good.
According to Edgar Cayce's readings, this sort of thing is happening on a grand scale. Hundreds and thousands of people are being
reincarnated now who carry urges from the once highly technical civilization of Atlantis. The problems they had then selfishness,
slavery and destruction are being recreated like unfinished business to plague them again. These individuals are often extremists,
with innate capacity for great good or great evil. How they meet their karma may well determine the future of our
Several life readings that Cayce gave for people indicated that in their previous lives in Atlantis, they were highly proficient in such
areas as electrical engineering and explosives, technologies that had apparently been used by the Atlanteans to enslave and exploit others.
The young men Cayce had performed the life readings for had already shown strong predilections towards these areas even at a young age, so
Cayce's warning to them was that if they did not use their accumulated knowledge from previous lives for good in this incarnation, they
would have nothing but bad luck in their current and next lives, until they turn from their selfish ways and begin using their abilities
for good.
In fact, the readings from Atlantis generally showed that many of Cayce's patients who had once lived and ruled in Atlantis were not merely
selfish and exploitative, but totalitarian even fascist in their attitudes, considering less developed races as mere "things"
to be used and discarded at their leisure. And the methods that they used to enslave and rule over other races were genuinely chilling, as
we shall discover in our analysis of the three great "ages" of Atlantis covered by Cayce: The Foundation of Atlantis to 50,000 b.c.,
Atlantis from 50,000 to 10,000 b.c. and from 10,000 b.c. to the final destruction of Atlantis and its likely association with the Flood of Noah.

A classical portrayal of the island of Atlantis, based upon Plato's dialogues. This image was taken from an ancient map, which was
originally drawn so that, compared to modern maps, all of the continents are upside down, with Europe on the left, and
North America on the right. Assuming that the ancients also equated true
north with the top of their maps, this helps to further confirm the pole-shift hypothesis as seen by Cayce and confirmed by modern
science. Note also the islands between Atlantis and North America, located where America's East Coast now resides, supporting
Cayce's statement that America's East Coast formed the lowlands of Atlantis. From Mundus Subterraneus by Athanasius Kircher.
In Cayce's visions, the geography of the world at the time when human history began on Atlantis was dramatically different than it is today.
Many areas of Earth that today are ocean were once dry ground, and many places that were once lush and fertile are now desert. Most of Europe
was underwater, Norway and the Caucausus forming the western boundary of what we now call Eurasia, their rivers flowing into the Atlantic.
Of what is now America, only the desert southwest and high plains areas of Arizona, Utah and Nevada were above ground, the Midwest being
entirely underwater, and the East Coast forming the lowland areas of the continent of Atlantis. Likewise the Nile flowed west across the
Sahara into the Atlantic, instead of north into the Mediterranean. The desert areas that are now the Sahara and Mongolia were lush, fertile
plains, the area now known as the Sahara being the cradle of humanity. However, though these differences were dramatic, the most dramatic
difference of all, according to Cayce's readings, was that the Earth was from our perspective actually upside down, the north
pole now occupying the area that once was the south pole, and vice versa!12 Also, according to Cayce, Atlantis
occupied the same position it did in Plato's writings:
The position ... the continent of Atlantis occupied in between the Gulf of Mexico on the one hand and the Mediterranean upon the other.
Evidences of this lost civilization are to be found in the Pyrenees and Morocco, British Honduras, Yucatan and America. There are some
protruding portions ... that must have at one time or another been a portion of this great continent. The British West Indies, or the
Bahamas, are a portion of same that may be seen in the present. If the geological survey would be made in some of these especially, or
notably in Bimini and in the Gulf Stream through this vicinity, these may be even yet determined.13
According to Cayce, man's experience on Earth has been much longer than currently accepted by the scientific community, perhaps millions
of years. As a result, man has seen many Earth changes in his time as, according to Cayce's visions, Earth's surface is highly unstable,
and has undergone dramatic changes over the millions of years that humans have inhabited it. "Many lands have disappeared, many have
appeared and disappeared again and again during these periods."14 Cayce also stated that the population of
Earth at the time of the foundation of Atlantis was fairly large, over 130,000,000, and that man has been in existence for over 10.5 million
The numbers of human souls then in the Earth plane being a hundred and thirty and three million (133,000,000). The period in the world's
existence from the present time being ten and one-half million (10,500,000) years ago. When man came in the Earth plane as the lord of that
in that sphere, man appeared in five places then at once the five senses, the five reasons, the five spheres, the five developments,
the five nations.15

Cayce described the beginning of mankind as five different races, planted in five different places on earth, which he referred to as "the five projections". Cayce explained that five was the number of mortal man, as he is divided into five races, black, brown, red, yellow and white, he has five fingers, and five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. "This, as we find, is that element which represents man in his physical form and the attributes to which he may become conscious from the elemental or spiritual to the physical consciousness. As the senses; as the sending of the various forces that bring to man the activities in the sphere in which he finds himself." Edgar Evans Cayce interprets this statement thusly: "As I understand this statement it refers to the five physical senses: sight, touch, hearing, smelling, taste. It sounds as if spiritual beings projected themselves into materiality, specifically to participate in experiencing these senses or sensations common to a physical body."16
Cayce's description of the first beings on Earth is a little odd. Apparently, according to his visions, before Adam was created, a group of spiritual beings physically manifested themselves into the physical plane by sheer force of will, creating material bodies for themselves that were not truly human, as we understand humanity.
As to their forms in the physical sense, these were much rather of the nature of thought forms, or able to push out of themselves in that direction in which their development took shape in thought much in the way and manner as the amoeba would in the waters of a stagnant bay, or lake, in the present. As these took form by the gratifying of their own desire for that which builded or added to the material conditions, they became hardened or set much in the form of the existent human body of the day, with that color as partook of their surroundings much in the manner as the chameleon in the present.17
These beings, according to Cayce's testimony, appear to have predated Adam. A survey of Cayce's visions on the subject gives the idea that a race of humanoid beings inhabited Earth before God created Adam, but not before animals, which also predated Adam in Cayce's visions. Animals were also created before man according to the account in Genesis
Most likely the animals of
Genesis 2:19-20
were the animals we know today, and the animals of the time of the
"pre-adamic race"
described by Cayce and covered by the account in
Genesis 1:24-26
were probably those of the
Pleistocene Period,
(1,800,000-9,000 b.c.) that is, mammoths, saber-toothed tigers, and primitive manlike creatures. Cayce's son, Edgar Evans Cayce, explains the odd nature of these early, "pre-adamic" humans: "I would interpret it as implying that the Earth was proceeding along an evolutionary pattern (remember animals inhabited the Earth long before man there probably were man-like creatures) which was interrupted by the projection into materiality of these thought forms. It sounds as if they, in many cases, mixed with animals, the results being sometimes quite bizaare."18

The demoness Lilith, whom some ancient legends say was the first wife of Adam.
This image, taken of a Mesopotamian terra cotta relief sculpture known as
"The Burney Relief",
shows a winged woman with owl feet, and surrounded by owls, and standing on two lions. Lilith is the "She Demon" of ancient
Babylonian, Sumerian, Hebrew, and rabbinical myth. She is written of in
Isaiah 34:14
as a "screech owl," and is a form of apocalyptic harbinger. Her name means "Night," "Lamb Strangler," "Bone Crusher," and other
less than pleasant names.

So, according to Cayce, there was indeed a race of humans, or at least humanlike beings, before the creation of Adam.
"In Atlantean land before Adam [the entity was] timekeeper for those who were called things or servants or workers of the
people."19 These spiritual beings who had taken on primitive fleshly forms apparently decided that
the material forms they had originally taken on were too inefficient to perform everyday tasks efficiently, and decided a new form of
mankind had to be created: "In Atlantean land when one individual first saw the changes that eventually made for that opening for the
needs of, or the preparation for, the universal
consciousness to bring into the experience what is known to man as the first created man ... in the days when the sons of God came
together to reason in the elements as to the appearance of man in the physical on Earth's plane." This sounds much like the passage
in Genesis where God, or "Elohim"20, created man in his own image in order to subdue and till the earth:
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and
God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea,
and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."
(Genesis 1:26-28)
The second account in Genesis 2 adds the detail that man was created to "till" the earth i.e., as a worker
(Genesis 2:5-7)
Some Jewish legends also support the idea of a pre-Adamic race, even the idea that Adam had a wife before Eve named
This Lilith
was also formed out of the Earth at the same time as Adam, but she, unlike Eve, was not made of "sugar and spice and everything nice", but
from "filth and sediment":
God then formed Lilith, the first woman, just as He had formed Adam, except that He used filth and sediment instead of pure dust.
From Adam's union with this demoness, and with another like her named Naamah, Tubal Cain's sister, sprang
and innumerable
demons that still plague mankind.... Adam and Lilith never found peace together; for when he wished to lie with her, she took offence
at the recumbent posture he demanded. "Why must I lie beneath you?" she asked. "I also was made from dust, and am therefore your equal."
Because Adam tried to compel her obedience by force, Lilith, in a rage, uttered the magic name of God, rose into the air and left
This legend appears to have been invented to explain a number of things from feminism to SIDS, as well as the variations in the accounts
of the creation of woman in Genesis 1 and 2. The story also supports the existence of a pre-Adamic race that was inferior in construction,
and that was supplanted and eventually replaced by the new race. Lilith's refusal to be subordinate to Adam may also suggest that the newly
created homo sapiens was in conflict was this other race, a race which Adam's seed overcame and eventually assimilated, though it
appears to have never completely disappeared.

OF Adam's first wife, Lilith, it is told
(The witch he loved before the gift of Eve,)
That, ere the snake's, her sweet tongue could deceive,
And her enchanted hair was the first gold.
And still she sits, young while the earth is old,
And, subtly of herself contemplative,
Draws men to watch the bright net she can weave,
Till heart and body and life are in its hold.
The rose and poppy are her flowers; for where
Is he not found, O Lilith, whom shed scent
And soft-shed kisses and soft sleep shall snare?
Lo! as that youth's eyes burned at thine, so went
Thy spell through him, and left his straight neck bent,
And round his heart one strangling golden hair.
LILITH (For a Picture)
by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
The Lilith Shrine
Another, more disturbing implication is the possibility that the whole Garden of Eden event was an account of the mixing of the pre-Adamic
and the Adamic races, where the Tree of Life and The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil actually represented two variant genetic
strains of humanity. In this scheme, the two trees are not literal "trees", but symbolic of two variant strands of DNA. Thus, the fall
from grace was caused by Adam and Eve's copulation with member(s) of the pre-Adamic race, symbolized by a "serpent" in the DNA "tree",
which led to the birth of the hybrid Cain. The fall from grace, then, was essentially the corruption of the genetic structure of the new,
pure race that God had created to replace the earlier, failed attempts of lesser divine beings to develop a race of humanoid workers.
Though the biblical account clearly states that Cain was of Adam's seed, another disturbing possibility could be that Cain was a
that is, a child switched in the womb by these divine beings, or directly placed there, using Eve as a surrogate. King Sargon of Akkad,
one of the greatest kings of the ancient world, believed that both he and his mother were changelings.22
This approach also jibes well with the "Lilith" myth, where the union of Adam and Lilith (and her consort Naamah) resulted in the birth
of hordes of "demons". Clearly, based upon his biography, Cain was evil, so he fit well into that category. This approach to the creation
story also explains how it was that Cain, after he left Eden for the land of Nod, was able to find a wife women of the pre-Adamic
race were still available to him.
(Gen. 4:16-17)
It appears that the pre-Adamic race was created by a class of inferior spiritual beings perhaps Semjaza and his associates who,
as we saw in
Part II,
were fallen angels who came down to Earth to found their own kingdoms apart from God. Apparently Semjaza could not put together his own
successful worker race, so instead he corrupted and degraded the one God had created so that he could twist and corrupt this superior new
form of man, homo sapiens, to use for his own purposes. Cayce describes the original creation, including how plants, animals, and
the pre-Adamic race of proto-humans came into being:
A giant skull, one of collection of skulls on display in the
Gold Museum
in Lima, Peru. This skull appears to be roughly twice as big as a typical homo sapiens skull, which fits the typical
giant profile found in various legends and numerous times in the Bible as being roughly twice as large as the average human.
This skull is part of a collection of close to a dozen skulls of similar size. Peru was cited
by Cayce as one of the colonies of Atlantis. Image from
Light 1998.
In the matter of form, as we find, first there were those as projections from that about the animal kingdom; for the thought bodies
gradually took form and the various combinations (as may be called) of the various forces that called or classified themselves as gods,
or rulers over whether herds, or fowls, or fishes or manlike creatures. These took on many sizes as to stature, from that as may
be called the midget to the giants for there were giants in the Earth in those days, men as tall as ten or twelve feet in stature,
and well proportioned throughout. The ones that became the most useful were those as would be classified as the ideal stature, that was
of both male and female; and the most ideal was Adam, who was in that period, when he (Adam) appeared, as five in one
So, apparently the pre-Adamic race encompassed a wide variation of sizes and shapes, but it was not until Adam was created that the ideal
combination of size, shape, intelligence and manual dexterity had been achieved. The original "prototype" workers, the giants, were capable
of lifting great weights and were more likely to survive under hostile conditions, but they also likely lacked the ability to perform
detailed work, due to the large size of their hands. Moreover, their food requirements were much larger than the new Adam-class human,
which made them less efficient. The dwarvish-type proto-humans were likely too short and weak to be of any practical use also, so they were
discontinued. God dispensed with the inferior creations of the fallen angels, and instead created his own version of human that proved to be
the best of all though the giant and dwarf genes still persist as a part of the blended human genome to this day.

This new class of human quickly multiplied and subdued the
Earth (Gen. 1:28),
just as God had intended, with the apparent intent of systematically destroying and supplanting the evil proto-human species that the
fallen angels had created. Thus, the prophecy of Genesis 3:15 made itself manifest: "And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou
hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou
eat all the days of thy life: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy
head, and thou shalt bruise his
heel."(Gen. 3:14-15)
This combat has gone on throughout history as a sort of ongoing "genetic warfare", where "the seed of the woman" and "the seed of the
serpent" have been vying constantly for dominion over Earth.

The greek demigod Pan. Pan was a
a being with the upper body of a man and the lower body of a goat. Pan was believed to be the inventor of the "pan pipes", a
form of flute made of reeds, which all satyrs were exceptionally skilled at playing. This type of composite being in mythology
may have been inspired by memories of animal-like proto humans that Cayce believes had preceded Adam. Image from
Moonshine Graffix.
And there are other intriquing parallels between Cayce's visions and the Bible. One striking example is a peculiar description Cayce gave
of one of the pre-Adamic race in one of his visions. In this vision, the "entity" that was giving Cayce his information was describing its
experience as one of the "thought projections" that had manifested themselves into material forms: "In Atlantean land in those periods
before Adam was in the earth, among those who were then thought projections and the physical being had the union of sex in the one body,
and yet a real musician on the pipes or reed instruments."24 The pre-Adamic race apparently had two basic
qualities that distinguished them from the Adamic: one, they were
hermaphroditic (but apparently this later changed25), and two, they were particularly proficient with material
objects and technology, such as musical instruments. Interestingly, in the Biblical account, Cain's descendants became particularly well
known for their skills in music, as well as metalworking and animal husbandry: "And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in
tents, and of such as have cattle. And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ. And Zillah,
she also bare Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubalcain was
Naamah."(Gen. 3:14-15)
As we saw in
Part II,
the fallen angels came down (and have continued to do so periodically throughout history) to do two things: interbreed with mankind, and give
man gifts of technology. These gifts
include such skills as metalworking, music, animal husbandry, and every other skill that is required for man to exist in the hard world
outside of the Garden from which he was driven. This perhaps was part of the promise that the serpent gave Adam and Eve. To be independent
of God and His Paradise required special survival skills; to be "like the gods", they too had to have technology, which they could use to
enforce their will over others. This was especially true in Atlantis, where man's technological innovation advanced much more quickly
than it did in the other four areas of the world where man had been planted. There, the "red" race came into being, those that in
appearance look most like Native Americans, both of North, Central and South America:
"[In Atlantis arose] the red or mixture peoples or colors; known later as the red race. These, then, able to use in their gradual
development all the forces as were manifest in their individual surroundings, passing through those periods of developments, as have been
followed more closely by that of the yellow, the black, or the white races, in other portions of the world; yet with their immediate
surroundings, with the facilities for the developments, these became much speedier in this particular portion of the globe than in
This rapid increase in technology was used in different ways by the descendants of the pre-Adamic race, those humanlike creatures that the
fallen angels had "projected" themselves into, and the Adamic race, which had been specially created by God for his use. Whereas the
Adamic race used the technology to improve the standard of living for all of their fellow men regardless of their racial background, the
pre-Adamic race instead used it to enslave their fellow man.
In Atlantean land during periods when there were activities that brought about questionings that arose between the two great forces, the
period before the first destruction of the land among children of Law of One who cared much about those "things" that were parts of
the activity having been brought about by the great teacher in those experiences entity aided in helping these to overcome, when
they became aware of the relationships of the individual entity to the universal consciousness of God.27

Over time, with the advent of civilization and technology, the divisions between the Adamic and pre-Adamic races became increasingly more
apparent. Whereas the Adamic race held on to the belief in the one God who had specially created them, the pre-Adamic race refuted the
belief in the existence of God, instead focusing on the acquisition of wealth and power worshipping the creature rather than the
Creator. As these differences became more and more clear, the world came to be divided into two basic divisions: the Sons of the Law of One,
those who held to the belief in the one God as the Creator of the universe and of mankind, and the Sons of
those who denied the existence of God and instead worshipped themselves. Cayce explained it thus: "In Atlantean land during those periods of
early rise of sons of Belial as oppositions that became more and more materialized as the powers were applied for
self-aggrandizement."28 This "self-aggrandizement" took the form of the accumulation of wealth and power into
the hands of a very few, with the result being extreme social stratification, where perhaps only a few dozens or hundreds of beings ruled
over millions of slaves. This situation, of course, was unacceptable to the Sons of the Law of One:
We find that in those periods there was not a laboring for the sustenance of life (as in the present, but rather individuals who were children
of the Law of One and some who were the children of Belial (in the early experience) were served by automatons, or THINGS, that
were retained by individuals or groups to do the labors of a household, or to cultivate the fields or the like, or to perform the activities
of artisans. And it was concerning these "things" about which much of the disturbing forces grew to be factors to be reckoned with, between
the children of the Law of One and the Sons of Belial.29
Much like the issue of slavery which, in the nineteenth century, sparked off a bloody civil war in America, this division over the treatment
of these slaves, among other things, appears to have touched off a civil conflict in Atlantis which led to the First Destruction of Atlantis.

While The Sons of the Law of One were busy developing tools of mass instruction about God and his plans for mankind, the Sons of
Belial had been hard at work developing weapons of mass destruction in order to enslave mankind.
"In Atlantean land at the time of withdrawing from the Law of One establishment of Sons of Belial [the entity] was a priestess
in temple built in opposition to the Sons of the Law of One during time when there was the creating of the high influence of radial
activity from rays of the sun that were turned on crystals in the pits that made connections with internal influences of the
Earth."30 From the sound of this, it appears that in Atlantis, the peaceful coexistence and possible
intermarriage between the Sons of the Law of One and the children of Belial ceased, and two distinct factions developed. The
sons of Belial had apparently tired of the compassionate, humanistic approach of the Sons of the Law of One and, instead of using their
technological prowess to help benefit mankind, tried to use it to conquer the world.
The Atlanteans, both the Sons of the Law of One and the children of Belial, had developed a high technology using crystals and solar energy
that they used to create electrical power for lighting, heating, travel, and related needs. The sons of Belial, however, broke ranks with
the Sons of the Law of One and attempted to use that technology as a weapon. According to Cayce, the children of Belial had actually
developed that technology to the point where they were able not only to harness the power of the Sun, but of the volcanic forces of the
earth itself. However, they foolishly underestimated the power that they unleashed, and instead of releasing themselves from the yoke of the
Law of One and conquering the world, they instead brought destruction on themselves, and great damage to the island of Atlantis in the
process: "In Atlantean land during those periods when there were the destruction or separations of the land during the period of the first
destruction [the entity was] among those who aided in the preparation of the explosives or those things that set in motion the fires
of the inner portions of the Earth that were turned into destructive forces."31
The children of Belial attempted to harness the volcanic forces of the Earth in order to defeat the power of the Sons of the Law of One,
and enslave mankind, but they instead brought great destruction to the island of Atlantis. As a result of their arrogance, they released
forces that they were unable to completely control, and the resulting release of volcanic energy resulted in the division of the island
of Atlantis into several lesser islands, with a substantial portion of the island falling into the sea. "The use of these devices by the
Sons of Belial brought, then, the first of the upheavals; or the turning of the rays from the Sun as used by the Sons of the Law
of One into the crystal for the activities of same produced what we would call a volcanic upheaval; and the separating of the
land into several islands five in number. Poseidia ... then became one of these islands."32 This,
then, was the end of the first age of Atlantis.

A topographical map of the Azores, a chain of islands in the central Atlantic, in the same location Cayce had placed the main island
of Atlantis that remained after the first destruction, which he referred to as "Poseidia". Note the topography is much higher than
the surrounding ocean floor, much more closely resembles above-ground areas on the Earth. Theorists believe that volcanic pressures
under the mid-Atlantic ridge were greatly reduced as a result of Atlanteans tapping into their energies, resulting in the entire
island sinking beneath the waves. Image adapted from
The Hutton Commentaries:
"Review of Edgar Cayce's
Atlantis and Lemuria".
Great Atlantis had been greatly damaged, but not destroyed by the arrogance of power displayed by the sons of Belial. The majority of the
original continent remained, though it was now separated into five lesser islands, the greatest of which was the island of Poseidia. It was
here that the Sons of the Law of One remained steadfast in their beliefs in God and their mission to serve mankind. Having been proven
clearly right by the disastrous failure of the children of Belial, the Sons of the Law of One continued developing technologies for the
betterment of mankind. "In Atlantean land during those periods of greater expansion as to ways, means and manners of applying greater
conveniences for the people of the land things of transportation, the aeroplane, as called today, but then as ships of the air, for
they sailed not only in the air but in other elements also."33
These technological advancements allowed the Sons of the Law of One to develop ships that would allow them to travel through the air, on
the land, and under the water, just as we have today. Moreover, they also had developed forms of wireless
communications just the same as we have developed today:
In city of Peos in Atlantis among people who gained understanding of application of nightside of life or negative influences in the
Earth's spheres, of those who gave much understanding to the manner of sound, voice and picture and such to peoples of that period....
In Poseidia the entity dwelt among those that had charge of the storage of the motivative forces from the great crystals that so condensed
the lights, the forms of the activities, as to guide the ships in the sea and in the air and in conveniences of the body as television and
recording voice.34
The level of technology of Atlantis even after the first destruction was roughly the same as it is today, Earth circa
2003 a.d., including television, radio, and probably the same type of home entertainment systems as are available today. Their ability to
travel was also the same as that used today, including rapid forms of air, land and sea travel. In fact, for all intents and purposes,
Atlantis at its peak was probably nearly indistinguishable from the America of the present day, including the social and cultural divisions
we are currently experiencing with the rise of immorality. "The Atlanteans were becoming decadent, or being broken up owing to the disputes
between the children of the Law of One and the children of Belial."35
The level of technology available to the average person at that time was impressive, and apparently the technology was available
for a good long time, as the period before the first and second destruction of Atlantis was roughly 40,000 years, according to Cayce's
timeline. However, as it is today, technology invariably finds its way into military uses, and the children of Belial, having forgotten
the lessons of the past, again began experimenting with forbidden technologies from the "nightside of life," what we would today call
"the dark side":

Cayce often mentioned in his visions powerful "crystals" through which tremendous energies were harnessed. He also frequently mentioned the
military uses that these technologies were frequently put to, uses which went far beyond self defense to clearly offensive and
intrusive purposes:
In Atlantean land at time of development of electrical forces that dealt with transportation of craft from place to place, photographing
at a distance, reading inscriptions through walls even at a distance, overcoming gravity itself, preparation of the crystal, the terrible
mighty crystal, much of this brought destruction.... Before the second destruction when there was the dividing of the islands, when the
temptations were begun in activities of Sons of Belial and children of Law of One. Entity among those that interpreted the messages
received through the crystals and the fires that were to be the eternal fires of nature.36
The entity that Cayce was receiving his information from was once one of the sons of Belial, who once again began using the crystal technology
for offensive purposes. Like our modern satellites, these techniques could see over long distances, even through solid barriers, and could
even deliver energy over long distances, for constructive or destructive purposes. The whole Atlantean power structure was apparently based
upon one or more of these giant "crystals", which the Atlanteans referred to as the "firestone":
About the firestone the entity's activities then made such applications as dealt both with the constructive as well as destructive
forces in that period. It would be well that there be given something of a description of this so that it may be understood better....
[The firestone was housed] in the center of a building which would today be said to be lined with nonconductive stone.... The building
above the stone was oval; or a dome wherein there could be ... a portion for rolling back, so that the activity of the stars the
concentration of energies that emanate from bodies that are on fire themselves, along with elements that are found and not found in the
Earth's atmosphere. The concentration through the prisms or glass (as it acted upon the instruments that were connected with the various
modes of travel through induction methods which made much the [same] character of control as would in the present day be termed remote
control through radio vibrations or directions; though the kind of force impelled from the stone acted upon the motivating forces in
the crafts themselves. The building was constructed so that when the dome was rolled back there might be little or no hindrance in the
direct application of power to various crafts that were to be impelled through space whether within the radius of vision or whether
directed under water or under other elements, or through other elements.... These, then, were impelled by the concentration of rays from
the stone which was centered in the middle of the power station, or powerhouse (as would be the term in the
Not only did the ancient Atlanteans have air, land and sea craft, as well as the ability to communicate with that craft via television and
radio, but they even had the ability to transmit energy to the engines of these craft "through the ether" via these crystal "firestones".
Like the methods
Nicola Tesla
would (re)invent thousands of years later, the Atlanteans were able to transmit energy through the air,
without the benefit of wires. However, once again, the sons of Belial, true to nature, began to use this high technology for destructive
In Atlantean land during those periods when there were those determining as to whether there would be the application of the laws of the
children of One or of Sons of Belial in turning into destructive channels those influences of infinite power as were being gained from the
elements as well as from what is termed spiritual or supernatural powers in the present. Entity wavered between choices and when the
destruction came about by the use of those rays as were applied for beneficial forces, entity misapplied ability.

Once again the children of Belial were on the brink of destroying Atlantis, and the Sons of the Law of One decided that it was finally time
to begin leaving Atlantis, before the inevitable destruction came. "In Atlantean land during the periods of exodus due to foretelling or
foreordination of activities which were bringing about destructive forces. Among those who were not only in Yucatan but in the Pyrenees
and Egyptian land."39 Cayce's visions spoke of exoduses to a number of places, most particularly South and
Central America, Spain, and Egypt, as well as North America, in the area of Nevada and Colorado, which at that time was called
Not long after these exoduses began, another great destruction, the second great destruction of Atlantis occurred, and the islands became
even smaller and more divided than before. Many of the law of One, and some of Belial, however, had already begun building up new homes in
the more stable lands surrounding Atlantis, a colonial period that would characterize the last great age of Atlantis before its final

An artistic rendition of Atlanteans fleeing an Atlantean temple before the final destruction of Atlantis. Image from
Jessica's Fantasy Site.
More than half of Cayce's life readings concerning Atlantis cover this period of Atlantis' history, a period that covers approximately
10,500-9500 b.c., near the end of which time the final destruction of Atlantis and the Great Flood of Noah occurred. Cayce believed
that he had an incarnation during this period in the form of an Egyptian priest named Ra-Ta, who was renowned for his ability to communicate
with the Atlanteans who had invaded the land of Egypt in force after the final destruction of their homeland. And, as we shall see, once
again the warring factions of the Sons of the Law of One and the children of Belial continued on during the Egyptian sojourn.
A thousand years or more before the final destruction of Atlantis, which did not occur until somewhere between 10,500 and 9500 b.c., many of
the Law of One had emigrated away from Poseidia and the other islands of Atlantis wherein they had dwelt for so many thousands of years.
They traveled to many places, including North America, in that portion that is now the desert southwest, Central America in the area of the
Yucatan, South America to the area around Peru and Europe around the Pyrenees area of Spain and France. However, by far the largest
single contingent of Atlantean refugees came to North Africa, particularly to the area now known as Egypt.

The Egyptian sojourn was somewhat different for the Sons of the Law of One than their experiences in battling the forces of darkness on
their home island of Poseidia. As the last remnants of Poseidia and the rest of the islands of Atlantis began to slip beneath the waves
as a result of the children of Belial's unceasing warfare, more and more of the Law of One decided that they would best be
able to serve mankind from other, more stable locations around the Earth. However Egypt, though it was geophysically stable, was undergoing
a sociopolitical earthquake. Edgar Evans Cayce explains the situation in Egypt around the time of the final destruction:
From between 10,000 and 11,000 b.c. a tribe from the
Carpathian region
invaded and conquered Egypt. One of the leaders of this tribe was a priest named Ra-Ta. Ra-Ta was Edgar Cayce (or Edgar Cayce was Ra-Ta,
depending upon your point of view). In Egypt Ra-Ta's religious teachings attracted a large following. However, there was already political
friction in Egypt and tension between the ruling classes and the native Egyptians. Ra-Ta was caught up in this political intrigue, and after
a native rebellion, he was banished for nine years to what is now
At the height of the confusion refugees began arriving in Egypt from Atlantis. The Atlanteans, scientifically more advanced than the
Egyptians, found little in common with the inhabitants of Egypt, and began to set up their old way of life. Leaders of the ruling class
and leaders of the native rebellion soon realized that these incoming Atlanteans with their superior scientific knowledge and radically
different social and religious views posed a new threat. A leader had to be found, around whom the people could rally, to turn the power
of the Atlanteans into constructive channels. In an effort to bring some order our of the chaos the leaders in power decided to recall
the priest from banishment. Only he might correlate the activities of all these conflicting groups. This move was successful and with
the cooperation of the rulers of Egypt, the priest, the Atlanteans and the natives there ensued a period of great advancement in
human relations. The then civilized portions of the world enjoyed a period of moral, mental, spiritual and physical
In order to accomplish this sociopolitical revolution and blend the three races together seamlessly, institutions were developed to help
facilitate the movement towards consolidation. "Combination hospital and educational institutions (called the Temple of Sacrifice and
the Temple of Beauty) were set up, and probably functioned like the psychiatric wing of a modern hospital. There the masses flocked for
mental as well as physical therapy."42 These institutions were needed both to heal the people both
physically and psychologically. The Temple of Sacrifice focused on physical healing, including routine healings, surgeries, and even what
appears to be radiation treatments and chemotherapy, where the Temple of Beauty focused on psychological healing, functioning as a
combination psychiatric hospital/finishing school, helping heal mental illnesses and teach proper social behavior. However, they accomplished
even more than this, as Edgar Evans Cayce explains:
Evidently, besides low mental development and/or lack of moral judgment and self-control, some people classed as servants or "things" or
"automatons" had physical deformities linking them to the animal world. They may have had tails, feathers, or scales. This was a
holdover from the early projection of souls into materiality for selfish purposes at which time monstrosities as well as creatures
of beauty were created."43
All the trappings of civilization were added to the new blended culture, including social skills, education, a
written language, a law code, electrical power for lighting, heating, and related needs, even recipes for Atlantean
cuisine.44 However, even as the last remnants of Atlantis were sinking beneath the waves, the sons of Belial
among the Atlanteans who had migrated to Egypt began once again to exercise their influence over the newly found institutions of health
and healing, twisting their abilities to do evil:
In Atlantean land when groups were being sent to other lands for various purposes among those coming to Egypt. With establishing of
Temple of Sacrifice entity set about to use truths and tenets that had been part of Atlantean experience, these used as suggestions with
elements and drugs used as sedatives for activities in Temple of Sacrifice, or for surgery, in preparing individuals for definite services
by removal of those things that would cause one to be different-minded.45
Another giant skull in the
Gold Museum
collection. in Lima, Peru. This skull has a scar that is clearly surgical in nature, suggesting surgery or, perhaps
more accurately, a lobotomy. Peru was one of the locations on Earth where the Atlanteans fled to escape the final
destruction. Image from
Light 1998.
Though the wording here seems benign enough, the actual meaning of this statement is that the Egyptians were brainwashed into accepting
Atlantean rule using coercive psychotherapy combined with drugs. Even worse, those subjects who refused to accept the new order had their
brains surgically altered. In other words, they were lobotomized, their free will physically taken from them. In their desire for order,
the Atlantean balance between the Sons of the Law of One and the children of Belial again fell towards totalitarianism
and, even though their intentions may have been noble, they began to treat other races as slaves once more. This tendency became more and
more pronounced until they began to develop mechanical means of controlling, even enslaving, large masses of people at once. Edgar Evans Cayce
explains, "With the use of chemical-brain control agents it may be possible to control the individual and the masses and to do this
unobtrusively and without the active cooperation of the victims ... the following extract sounds as if a similar technique was used in
Atlantis: '[The entity was] among those that were set upon to apply their abilities in relationship to the various conditions that were
to be brought about to impel a people to submit to the influences that might be brought to bear.' (Additional data in the reading
indicates that electrical and mechanical appliances were used to accomplish this.)"46
So, even as their home islands of Atlantis were sinking beneath the waves, the sons of Belial were still trying to use every means
necessary to conquer and enslave the world. The innocuous sounding "electrical and mechanical appliances" actually indicates an extremely
sinister agenda on the part of the sons of Belial: to turn everyone on earth into remote-controlled slaves, even from
birth47 shades of The Matrix!
Edgar Evans Cayce, writing his commentary on these visions in 1968, was surprisingly cogent in his assessment of the sinister implications
contained in these statements:
Some day tiny radios placed in the brain may make possible the enslavement of entire nations. Such equipment might be used to equip a
child with a socket mounted under the scalp from which electrodes extended to selected areas of the brain. Later a miniature radio
receiver and antenna could be plugged into the socket. Schafer says, "From that time on, the child's sensory perceptions and muscular
activity could be either modified or completely controlled by bio-electric signals radiated from state-controlled transmitters. The
"once human being" would be the cheapest of machines to create and operate.48
This statement sounds chillingly similar to what Morpheus said in The Matrix when explaining to Neo how mankind had
become enslaved: "What is the 'Matrix'? Control. The Matrix is a computer-generated dreamworld built to keep us under control,
in order to change the human being into this:" and Morpheus holds up a battery. In the movie, mankind had been fitted with sockets in
the base of their brains, and all over their bodies, and plugged in to an extremely complex virtual reality program in order to keep
them in a constant world of dreams, while their bodies were used as a source of heat and energy. In the world of The Matrix,
humanity had been reduced to mere machines.

In retrospect, it appears that the children of Belial had, in a desparate attempt to finally wipe out the power of the Sons of the Law of One,
chose a scorched earth or in this case, a "drowned earth" policy, where they once again tapped volcanic forces in an attempt to
wipe out all of their enemies in one swift stroke. This is where Plato's account of the final destruction of Atlantis begins to converge
with that of Cayce: the children of Belial apparently decided that they wanted either to control the entire world, or go down in glorious
defeat, taking as many with them into the
as possible. There was no compromise, no attempts to improve mankind in their minds,
all other races were chattel to be used as cattle, and not even the powerful Sons of the Law of One were going to keep them from their mad
quest for dominion. As a result, they launched a final campaign on Europe to crush the last resistance to their rule, which,
according to Plato
had fallen to the Athenians. Had the Athenians failed, and had God not intervened with The Flood, the end result of this conquest would have
been the enslavement of the entire human race, in a manner chillingly similar to that described in The Matrix.
Having failed in their attempt to defeat the Athenian armies conventionally, the children of Belial turned once again to "the
terrible mighty crystal" to annihilate the very ground on which the Athenians stood. Focusing the mighty power of the crystal into the
bowels of the Earth, the children of Belial succeeded in doing just that, sinking in the entire region that is now known as the Mediterranean
basin into the depths of the sea along with the Athenians who had opposed them. However, the same process that destroyed the Athenian
homelands also annihilated the remaining islands of Atlantis in a spectacular suicidal coup de'etat. As Solon had put it, "But afterwards
there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the
earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea."
It is in this context, then, that of a global "war to end all wars", that Noah was commanded to build an ark, to save himself and those
precious few others of the Law of One whose genetic structures had not been corrupted by intermarriage with the children of Belial. These
8 brave souls, along with the numerous animals that were also saved in the ark, rode out the massive Flood that either accompanied or was
outright caused by the disasters the children of Belial brought upon themselves in their quest to enslave the world. However, though the
Bible says that the ancient world was corrupted by the giants and their constant warfare, it is clear that God himself had a hand in the
destruction of the antediluvian world, as evidenced by the forty days and forty nights of rain, and the opening up of the "fountains" of the
earth. Some believe that the disaster was actually caused by a polar shift due to the excessive amount of ice at the poles,
which had made Earth top (and bottom) heavy, predisposing the crust to shift in order to compensate. Another possibility is that the
antediluvian world was destroyed by a series of comet and/or meteor strikes that destroyed various land areas, and drowned many others with
huge tidal waves and precipitation from the comets' melting ice. Most likely it was a combination of two or more of these, but the information
we have currently available is simply not clear enough to draw a definitive conclusion. However, one thing is for certain as a result
of The Great Flood the antediluvian world was well hidden and, based upon what we have discovered in this study, for good reason.

A closeup view of the Sphinx's southern face. The Sphinx gazes due east, towards the sun as it
rises on the equinox.
Photo copyright 1999
Santha Faiia.
Fortunately, the Sons of the Law of One had foresight enough to compile all of their records in several places that were very difficult to
destroy. The most well known of these places, according to Cayce, is Egypt:
In Atlantean land before the final destruction when the priest came from Egypt to Poseidia to gain understanding of the Law of One
(or God) that there might be records carried back to Egypt.... Entity had charge of records brought to Egypt [and] was one who PERSONALLY
cared for the records that were brought by the leaders of that people for preservation in that portion of man's experience in the Earth....
Entity aided the priest in the preparation of the manner of building the temple of records that lies just beyond that enigma that still is
the mystery of mysteries to those who seek to know what were the manners of thought of the ancient sons who made man, beast as part
of the consciousness.49
This "mystery of mysteries" is of course
the Sphinx
which, as we have discussed in
previous articles,
is believed by many to be the guardian of an ancient Hall of Records as described by Cayce. These records are located either under or near
the Sphinx, between the Sphinx and the "Pyramid of Records", as described by Cayce: "The entity was among the first to set the records that
are yet to be discovered or yet to be had of those activities in the Atlantean land, and for the preservation of the data that is yet to
be found from the chambers of the way between the Sphinx and the pyramid of records."50 Cayce, unlike modern
archaeologists, believes that the pyramids were built around 10,500 b.c. to house ancient information about the history of mankind,
specifically about Atlantis.
As we have seen,
though the date of the building of the pyramids is probably the conventional dating of 2500 b.c., the building of the Sphinx, based upon
water erosion all over the Sphinx and the Sphinx Enclosure, was most likely built around the time of the Atlanteans, ca. 10,500 b.c.
However, we will never be certain until the ancient Hall of Records is opened and the relevant information is deciphered. Cayce even gives
detailed instructions on what the records are and where the Hall of Records can be found:
A record of Atlantis from the beginning of those periods when the Spirit took form, or began the encasements in that land; and the developments
of the peoples throughout their sojourn; together with the record of the first destruction, and the changes that took place in the land;
with the record of the sojournings of the peoples and their varied activities in other lands, and a record of the meetings of all the nations
of lands, for the activities in the destruction of Atlantis; and the building of the pyramid of initiation, together with whom, what and
where the opening of the records would come, that are as copies from the sunken Atlantis. For with the change, it [Atlantis] must rise again.
In position, this lies as the sun rises from the waters as the line of the shadows (or light) falls between the paws of the
Sphinx; that was set later as the sentinel or guard and which may not be entered from the connecting chambers from the Sphinx's right paw
until the time has been fulfilled when the changes must be active in this sphere of man's experience. Then [it lies] between the Sphinx and
the river.51

Cayce's Atlantis is quite enigmatic, but matches on many points with both the Bible and Plato's accounts of the ancient world. Though it is possible that Cayce may have simply had an excellent imagination and sharp memory
recall, some of the things he predicted, such as television, lasers, and atomic power, were not yet available at the time of his visions.
Though purists would argue that a study of Cayce in context of the Bible is only marginally useful, some of the information gleaned from
his insights has, as we have seen, proven to be extremely enlightening. And even though the Great Flood of the ancient world wiped out all
life on Earth save that saved on the ark, records of the ancient world apparently still exist in various parts of the world. Moreover, and
more interestingly, Cayce said that only at a certain time, "when the time has been fulfilled", can the secret chamber be entered again,
and the Hall of Records found, with their precious cargo of truth. And when is that time? When Atlantis rises again:
It would be well if this entity were to seek either of the three phases of the ways and means in which those records of the activities
of individuals were preserved the one in the Atlantean land that sank, which will rise and is rising again
52; another in the place of the records that leadeth from the Sphinx to the hall of records, in the
Egyptian land, where the temple there is overshadowing same.53
It would take an act of God to open up the Hall of Records, given the extreme levels of control the Egyptian authorities have been
exercising over all aspects of the Giza necropolis. Recently,
as has been written about elsewhere in this issue,
attempts have been made to open up a
secret chamber
in the Great Pyramid, which may have been the pyramid that Cayce was referring to as the "Pyramid of Records". Though the first attempt has
met with mixed results, future attempts will likely open up new horizons in our understanding of ancient Egyptian culture and, hopefully,
settle the Atlantis question once and for all. Yet, for those who have faith in history, fate, God we know that someday
soon, for good or ill, Atlantis will rise again.
The Legend of Atlantis Part I: Atlantis in History
Part II: The Antediluvian World
Part IV: Atlantis Rising
Effigy Mounds I
Sea Serpents III
Atlantis III
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Edgar Cayce: An American Prophet
Sidney D. Kirkpatrick
Edgar Cayce was one of the most humble and influential people of his day, a man whose outstanding psychic abilities appeared to heal hundreds of patients. The F.B.I. and even master magician Henry Houdini couldn't debunk or explain Cayce's amazing gifts. Biographer Sidney D. Kirkpatrick has no interest in probing the question of whether Cayce had legitimate psychic powers. Rather he presents an evenhanded story about the life of this American prophet, using a myriad of sources, including transcripts of his trances as well as Cayce's personal letters and papers.
to buy this book.
Edgar Cayce on Atlantis
Edgar Evans Cayce, Hugh L. Cayce (Editor)
Drawing on his own extraordinary Life Readings, Cayce sheds light on the legendary Lost Continent of Atlantis and predicts its reemergence. Within the context of reincarnation, he offers astonishing evidence of an Atlantean civilization, providing us with empowering insights as we enter the new age, as well as startling revelations that can help you resolve current problems and redirect your future.
Edgar Cayce on Atlantis
was interpreted by Edgar Evans Cayce and edited by Hugh Lynn Cayce, both Mr. Cayce's sons. Hugh Lynn Cayce also served as director of the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), a nonprofit organization dedicated to the practical employment of his father's findings.
(From the back cover)
to buy this book.
Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records: The Book of Life
Kevin J. Todeschi
This book explains what the Akashic Records are, how Edgar Cayce accessed them while giving his many readings, and how they influence all of our lives everyday. The author provides invaluable information on how the records impact our lives, and explain why we experience what we experience. This is a must read for anyone seeking greater knowledge of their personal history (past lives and experiences) and mankind's history.
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Hebrew Myths
Robert Graves and Raphael Patai
Graves and Patai have collected traditional Hebrew myths that amplify (and sometimes radically alter) stories found in the Book of Genesis. The chapter, titled "Adam's Helpmeets", deals in part with the Lilith myth. Each section of the chapter excerpted here recounts a "story" collected from non-biblical sources, frequently the Talmud sources are footnoted.
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Edgar Cayce's Atlantis and Lemuria: The Lost Civilizations in the Light of Modern Discoveries
Frank Joseph
Twenty-four centuries after Plato left us his intriguing remarks about Atlantis, Edgar Cayce began to speak, in an altered psychic state, not only about that lost civilization but also of Lemuria, Atlantis's Pacific precursor. Cayce's visions of Atlantis and Lemuria reveal cultures that were far advanced technologically over many civilizations that followed, technology only perhaps now being matched by that of the twenty-first century. Frank Joseph takes a look, via archaeology and other fields, at how modern discoveries are bolstering the idea that Atlantis and Lemuria really existed, the disturbing parallels between those civilizations and our own, and what those parallels may be telling us. Included is a photo section of some of the fascinating areas that are currently being investigated for signs of these lost cultures.
(From the back cover)
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Atlantis: The Antediluvian World
Ignatius Donnelly, Everett F. Bleiler (Editor)
This is the book that started it all, written a century ago by a man as strange and dynamic as his story. Every fantastical image of a sunken paradise, or heated dispute about it's existence and location, all started with these pages. The origin of all Atlantis-hype, this book similarly starts with the origin of the concept itself. Donnely includes a translation of Plato's story that all Atlantean research goes back too. This was the most interesting part of the book, just hearing the first account all discussion and contemplation aside. It is also the most integral part of the book, since out of it comes all of Donnely's extrapolation.
(Review by Amazon.com)
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Timaeus and Critias (Penguin Classics)
Plato, H.D. Lee (Editor)
The complete text of Plato's Timaeus and Critias dialogues. Always the best place to start for any would-be Atlantean researcher.
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The Atlantis Dialogue : The Original Story of the Lost Empire
Plato, B. Jowett (Editor), Aaron Shepard
Atlantis was first introduced to world literature by the Greek philosopher Plato in two "dialogues" he wrote in the fourth century B.C. His tale of a great empire that sank beneath the waves has sparked thousands of years of debate over whether Atlantis really existed. But did Plato mean his tale as history, or just as a parable to help illustrate his philosophy?
In this book, you'll find everything Plato said about Atlantis, in the context he intended. Now you can read and judge for yourself!
(Review by Amazon.com)
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The Matrix/The Matrix Revisited (1999)
With The Matrix, Andy and Larry Wachowski crafted one of the most exhilarating sci-fi/action movies of the 1990s.
In the not too distant future [closer than you think] in an insipid, characterless city, a young man named Neo
(Keanu Reeves) sits alone at home by his monitor, waiting for a sign--from what or whom he doesn't know--until one night,
a mysterious woman named Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) introduces him to Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne). A messiah of sorts,
Morpheus presents Neo with the truth about his world by shedding light on what the Matrix is--a reality beyond reality that
controls everyone's lives, in a way Neo can barely comprehend. With mind-boggling, technically innovative special effects and a
thought-provoking script that owes a debt of inspiration to the legacy of cyberpunk fiction, this is a thinking man's
journey into the realm of futuristic fantasy, a dreamscape full of eye candy that will satisfy sci-fi, kung fu, action,
and adventure fans alike.
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Effigy Mounds I
Sea Serpents III
Atlantis III
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