
Press Releases
Book Reviews
Grand Canyon I
Giants III
Osiria III
for our new Hall of Records Newsletter!
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elcome to Mysterious World®, your online guide to exotic travel destinations
around the world! Mysterious World is a quarterly online journal dedicated to
exploring ancient and exotic locales around the world, providing you with the
information you need to truly appreciate what they have to offer. Mysterious
World provides you with the historical, archaeological, and travel information,
as well as biographical information about famous people and artifacts related
to these famous locales. Whether you are planning that dream trip to Egypt, or
you are looking for an interesting nearby destination for a simple day trip,
or overnight excursion, Mysterious World covers it all.
Starting off our Autumn, 2003 issue of Mysterious World, we have new press releases from Expedia.com and Lonely Planet.
the world�s leading online travel service, launched several new site enhancements designed to save travelers time and money as they plan their perfect trip. New features help take the guesswork out of commonly asked questions, such as "Is breakfast included in the price of my hotel room?" and "Will airfare be less expensive if I leave a day earlier?" or "What is the total cost of my car rental, including taxes?" Upgrades include in-depth hotel room details, flexible hotel and flight search capabilities and expanded car rental options.
(Click here for more....)
Lonely Planet
global staffers have submitted their annual votes for the �hot� (as in �have to go there!�) destinations for the New Year. The grand winner in 2004, by a pronounced margin, is New Zealand � again! The perfect storm of spectacular scenery, hospitable citizenry, compelling culture, perceived geographical safety and free global big-screen advertising courtesy of
Lord of the Rings
has catapulted New Zealand into the coveted top spot for the second year in a row.
(Click here for more....)
In this quarter's
book review
section, we will look at David Hatcher Childress'
Technology of the Gods: The Incredible Sciences of the Ancients.
A fascinating compendium of ancient technology that has been largely covered up or rejected by modern science, Childress covers an entire world of OOPArts (Out-of-Place Artifacts) forgotten sciences, and mysterious machinery that have largely been forgotten.
(Click here for more....)
This quarter's
section first takes a look at the mysterious, legendary
Lost Ark,
perhaps the most sought-after ancient artifact in history.
Our second fragment explores the search for
Pharaoh's Chariot,
in an attempt to find the place in the Red Sea where Moses had drowned the pursuing Egyptian chariotry.
Our third fragment excavates new data on
Neanderthal Man,
which shows that Neanderthal Man, previously thought to be our close relative, is in fact not a relative at all, but a separate species of mankind that evolved in parallel to homo sapiens.
Finally, our fourth fragment deals with a new set of
Underwater Ruins
found off of the southeast coast of Japan. Unlike
however, these ruins can be dated to recent times, around the 13th century.
Grand Canyon.
is world renowned as being the great American outdoor tourism destination. Even today, its remote location in the heart of America's desert southwest keeps it relatively isolated from the creeping scrum of packed cities and choking smog. And even after a century of tourism, the pristine beauty of this uncorrupted desert oasis yet remains to entice the world-weary traveler to seek contemplation away from the madding crowd.
(Click here for more....)
Our second feature article this quarter is our third in a four part series on giants, entitled
"Giants in the Earth".
After the drowning of Atlantis and the antediluvian world, there was a dark and unknown period in our ancient history, during which time the sons of Noah had spread across and repopulated the face of the Earth. The giants of the antediluvian world had been defeated but not destroyed forever as their fathers, the fallen angels, are spirits that cannot be destroyed. Thus, near the end of this ancient dark age, which lasted from approximately 10,000-4000 b.c., the mystery of iniquity began its horrid work upon the Earth once more as the fallen angels began once again to recreate the antediluvian race of giants. Just as they had done in the world before the Flood, the fallen angels were attempting once again to undermine God's will for mankind by destroying homo sapiens man, replacing him with a "superior" form of man � the giant homo artificialis.
(Click here for more....)
In our third feature article this quarter, we will continue our search for the ancient empire of Osiria, and the 14 lost pieces of Osiris believed by some to be scattered throughout that now largely submerged land. In Part III of
"Ah, Osiria!",
we will begin our search for "Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the LORD." Few words in the Bible have excited so much interest or speculation as the brief passage in the Table of Nations of Genesis 10 that describes a mysterious character known only as "Nimrod". Many have speculated on the true identity of this king, trying to match him up with numerous Assyrian, Babylonian, and even Egyptian kings. To this date, however, his true identity remains a mystery.
(Click here for more....)
If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions as to what sorts of
information you need to make your travel plans complete, please e-mail
me at
Bon Voyage,
Doug Elwell
President and Publisher
Mysterious World
October 15, 2003
Press Releases
Book Reviews
Grand Canyon I
Giants III
Osiria III
for our new Hall of Records Newsletter!
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Advertising? Press Releases?
Contact us!