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Editorial | Fragments | Cahokia I | Piasa Creature I | Sphinx II
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elcome to Mysterious World, your online guide to exotic travel destinations around the world! Mysterious World is a quarterly online journal dedicated to exploring ancient and exotic locales around the world, providing you with the information you need to truly appreciate what they have to offer. Mysterious World provides you with the historical, archaeological, and travel information, as well as biographical information about famous people and artifacts related to these famous locales. Whether you are planning that dream trip to Egypt, or you are looking for an interesting nearby destination for a simple day trip, or overnight excursion, Mysterious World covers it all.

In this issue of Mysterious World (Spring 1999), we will visit the Cahokia Mounds, easily the most important archaeological site in the Midwest, if not all of North America. Cahokia's huge main mound, which has a base area that is nearly equal to that of the Great Pyramid of Giza, sat at the center of an ancient mound culture that at one time had spread all over the midwestern and southern United States. An understanding of the Cahokia Mounds site is critical to a full understanding of North American history and archaeology. In this two-part series, we will cover the Cahokia Mounds site in detail, including numerous color photos and, now, detailed maps in our new Maps section.

Our second offering this quarter deals with the mysterious "Piasa Creature", another of the Midwest's curious enigmas. A creature of Indian legend by the time explorers Marquette and Joliet encountered what is now western Illinois, the Piasa Bird's only legacy outside of legend is a massive painted image of the monster on a cliff wall above the Mississippi River Near Alton, Illinois. We will take you there in this two-part series, with a detailed background of the truth behind the myth (if it is indeed a myth).

Finally, we bring you part II of our four-part series on The Riddle of the Sphinx. Here, you will gain more insight into the original intent behind the Pyramids and Sphinx: that they are not simply an elaborate memorial for megalomaniacal pharaohs, but a message written in stone. And this stone riddle still sits like a monolith, waiting on the Giza plain for man to discover its answer. To catch part I of this series, visit our new Archives, or click here.

Make sure to check out our online Research center, where you can purchase many of the books referred to in our articles, and our online Supplies station, where you can purchase various useful software titles that can help supplement the information that can be found in Mysterious World. And don't forget our brand-new Maps section, where you can view maps of all of the locations that have been covered in Mysterious World, including links to the stories, reference materials, and to other relevant websites.

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions as to what sorts of information you need to make your travel plans complete, please e-mail me at

Bon Voyage,

Doug Elwell
President and Publisher
Mysterious World
April 25, 1999

Editorial | Fragments | Cahokia I | Piasa Creature I | Sphinx II
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