
Press Releases
Book Reviews
Serpent Mound I
Giants I
Osiria I
for our new Hall of Records Newsletter!
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elcome to Mysterious World®, your online guide to exotic travel destinations
around the world! Mysterious World is a quarterly online journal dedicated to
exploring ancient and exotic locales around the world, providing you with the
information you need to truly appreciate what they have to offer. Mysterious
World provides you with the historical, archaeological, and travel information,
as well as biographical information about famous people and artifacts related
to these famous locales. Whether you are planning that dream trip to Egypt, or
you are looking for an interesting nearby destination for a simple day trip,
or overnight excursion, Mysterious World covers it all.
Starting off our Spring, 2003 issue of Mysterious World, we have new press releases from Roughly Speaking travel guides, Adriatica.net, and George Erikson, the author of
Atlantis in America,
regarding the "Atlantis Off Cuba" discoveries that were discussed last quarter.
Roughly Speaking
provides travel guides that include not only translations, but also the fuller meaning of the phrases being spoken that are culture-specific. Moreover, their travel guides are downloadable from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection, and 10% of each sale goes to the needy in those communities that are covered by the guides.
is a Croatian travel agency that is offering a special summer school/travel package for children and teenagers in the central Dalmatian island of Solta called the "International Summer School on Solta". Situated by the beach in the midst of an ancient pine forest, students have a choice of athletic, computer, and even acting courses during the day, and beach parties every night.
Atlantis In America,
Ivar Zapp and George Erikson discuss, among other things, the discovery of submerged pyramidal structures off the coast of Cuba. These submerged structures could be a first glimpse of ancient Atlantis finally found, or perhaps colonies of Atlantis.
In this quarter's
book review
we will look at Tahir Shah's
In Search of King Solomon's Mines.
Shah, an Afghan noble raised in England, takes us on the trail to find the fabulous source of King Solomon's wealth a source of gold so rich that, during the height of his reign, Solomon had taken from it a yearly tribute of 666 talents of gold. On the journey, he experiences trials and tribulations ranging from rabid dogs to devil-haunted mountains, and learns much of the history of northeast Africa and of its cryptic connections to ancient Israel.
This quarter's
section first explores the mysterious ruins on the island of
Malta. The Maltese ruins
are generally believed to be among the oldest in the world, and are thought by some to be the remnants of a lost civilization now drowned under the Mediterranean.
Our second fragment explores mysterious
ancient capital of Ethiopia. The center of religious belief both ancient and modern, Axum is a city that is full of surprises, and is a possible last resting place for the lost Ark of the Covenant.
Our third fragment delves into a mysterious group of standing stones in southern Egypt called
Nabta Playa,
that some believe may even predate Stonehenge, and our fourth fragment looks into some recent
Sea Serpent Sightings in China and Loch Ness.
This quarter's lead travel article is on the mysterious
Serpent Mound.
Situated deep in the rolling farmlands of southern Ohio near the foothills of the Appalachians, the Great Serpent Mound is an enigma from a time in America's ancient past that is still largely unknown. Details of this period in human history are sketchy, but what appears to be emerging from the haze is a tale of a mysterious race that emigrated from a land that had sunk into the sea many thousands of years ago. Though this in and of itself is not significant, what is interesting is the distinct possibility that this mysterious race may have actually been a race of dark-haired giants. Moreover, some believe, the Serpent Mound they left behind may contain key mathematical and astronomical information in its sinuous coils that betrays a scientific knowledge far beyond that commonly attributed to our ancient forebears on this American continent.
Our second feature article this quarter is the first in a four part series on giants, entitled
"Giants in the Earth".
As we saw in last year's
Atlantis series
of articles, the world before the Flood (and afterward) was populated not only by normal homo sapiens as we know him today, but also by a giant breed of human that had, according to some sources, been genetically modified to be nearly twice the size of homo sapiens by divine beings of mysterious origin. Moreover, after the Flood, this tampering with our genetic structure apparently continued, as evidenced by the increasing amount of skeletal remains of gigantic stature that have been found around the globe in the past few centuries. The occasional birth of giants to apparently normal people right up to modern times may also indicate the presence of a "giant" gene in the blended human genome, living proof that giants once walked the earth. In
Part I
of this series, we will review the myth and history of giants throughout the ages, as well as the modern coverup of giant skeletons right here in these United States.
In our third feature article this quarter, we will explore whatever happened to Atlantis' antediluvian rival, the Athenian Empire. As we saw
in our
Atlantis series,
Plato described Atlantis as a mighty, seafaring empire that lived on large island in the Atlantic. Atlantis sought to take over the world, but was stopped by the Athenians, another mighty world power that ruled over an empire of their own. This empire, some believe, once controlled or influenced the areas now known as Europe, North Africa, the Levant, and the Mediterranean basin, which was once a fertile valley before it was turned into a substantial sea by the Great Flood. Now a "harbor" to the Atlantic, the Mediterranean Sea was once the fertile breadbasket of what David Hatcher Childress has dubbed the "Osirian Empire", after the Egyptian god Osiris, whom he believed was once worshipped by the ancestors of the Athenians. In Part I of
"Alas, Osiria!",
we will attempt to piece together the pre-Flood history of the Mediterranean, starting with the island of Malta, which some believe may be the oldest ruins in the world.
If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions as to what sorts of
information you need to make your travel plans complete, please e-mail
me at
Bon Voyage,
Doug Elwell
President and Publisher
Mysterious World
April 15, 2003
Press Releases
Book Reviews
Serpent Mound I
Giants I
Osiria I
for our new Hall of Records Newsletter!
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