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The Land of Osiris
by Stephen Mehler
Full Title:
The Land of Osiris: An Introduction to Khemitology
Author: Stephen S. Mehler
Type: Alternative History/Ancient Technology
Edition: 2001 paperback edition
Publisher: Adventures Unlimited Press
Reviewed by: Doug Elwell
rom the fertile ground of alternative historical thought that is Adventures Unlimited Press comes another interesting addition to the search for our ancient, mysterious past: Stephen Mehler's The Land of Osiris. Part travelogue, part historical-cultural analysis, part ancient technological treatise, The Land of Osiris fits neatly into the emerging travel/alternative history niche that is becoming increasingly popular amongst a public that is growing more and more tired of the pedantic, condescending ramblings of a mainstream academic archaeology that has become largely irrelevant.
The subject of Mehler's book is "The Land of Osiris", that part of ancient Khemet (currently misnamed "Egypt") wherein the ancient Khemetians (the descendants of "Ham", son of Noah) first settled, and which comprised the heart of the land of Khemet ever after. Mehler believes that this ancient heartland of Khemet, this "Land of Osiris", was comprised of the sites of Dahshur, Sakkara, Abusir, Abu Ghrob, Zawiyet el Aryan, Giza and Abu Roash the areas that contain the bulk of the ancient stone structures that draw millions of tourists every year.
Mehler began his quest for the ancient truths about
antediluvian Egypt
at an early age, with a great interest in all things ancient. After having rejected pure religion and pure science as the paths to truth, Mehler instead went down the "third way", that of theosophy, which he considers to be a merging of science and religion that is the true path to spirituality. Mehler's studies in this direction began to crystallize as he chanced upon the works of one J. O. Kinnaman, an independent Egyptologist and historical researcher who claimed to have had close ties with famed Egyptologist Sir Flinders Petrie. Kinnaman had once claimed, in private meetings with fellow freemasons, that he and Petrie had found ancient Khemetian technology in secret chambers hidden deep within the Great Pyramid. This technology included devices that could be used to overcome gravity, and a even massive crystalline structure that had been used to turn the Great Pyramid into a huge radio transmitter. However, both Petrie and Kinnaman, according to Mehler, had been sworn to secrecy about the devices, and knowledge of them would have died with Petrie and Kinnaman had Kinnaman not made recordings of his lectures the secrets of which Mehler has now made public.
Eager to prove these allegations, Mehler hastened to Egypt to find some more answers. Hooking up with
Power Places Tours,
Mehler met one Abd'El Hakim Awyan, a local "Keeper" of the indigenous traditions of ancient Khemet. It was from Hakim, a
muslim, that Mehler learned what he believes to be the true ancient history of ancient Khemet. Among the numerous important secrets that this ancient wisdom keeper imparted to Mehler included the fact that the title "Pharaoh" referred not to the king of Egypt, but to the queen, whom it was believed chose the king herself. Egypt, according to Hakim was not a patriarchy, but a matriarchy, where women controlled the wealth and power behind the scenes. Hakim also believed that that the Sphinx was over 50,000 years old, and that the major pyramids were also considerably older than previously believed.
Egypt was in fact very ancient, having been inhabited as early as 8,000 b.c. or much earlier, if Hakim's dating of the Sphinx is to be believed. This ancient culture, during the time of Osiris, had a very advanced understanding of how to work with stone, and was able to manipulate it with a sophistication and accuracy that is difficult to replicate even by modern standards. Moreover, they had the ability to use water to generate enormous amounts of energy, tapping this energy in a much different way than we do today. And, according to Hakim, the most important center of ancient energy was the Great Pyramid of Giza.
To support this argument, Mehler argues that the ancient Khemetian term that the Greeks mistranslated into the word pyramidos, "fire in the middle", is actually the word "Per-Neter", which Mehler translates as "house of nature" or "house of energy". Thus, the pyramids were associated with the generation of energy by their very names an excellent argument, if indeed true, and perhaps not far from the Greek translation after all.
After going on an extended tour of all the major sites of the ancient land of Osiris and engaging in lengthy discussions with Hakim, Mehler developed the fascinating hypothesis that the ancient Khemitians had build the pyramids and the extensive tunnel systems under the Giza complex that stretch for miles in every direction to serve as a vast energy-grid, based upon a currently unknown form of water-power. Mehler argues that hot and cold water were piped in from underground acquifers far to the west of the Great Pyramid, and mixed in the midst of the Great Pyramid in such a way as to create an "implosion reaction" that generated immense amounts of energy. This energy was used to power various implements, including even electric lighting, examples of which are shown in reliefs in the Temple of Denderah, as well as provide a generally healthy atmosphere for all who lived in Khemet. Energized water, both to drink and to use for generating energy in this sophisticated manner, was the life's blood of ancient Khemet.
The Land of Osiris is a very interesting book, and a generally good read, giving the armchair traveler a good general overview of an alternative viewpoint of the history of predynastic Egypt. The book not only provides good background information, but also a fairly thorough overview of the numerous "power stations" that made up ancient Osiris. The Land of Osiris would certainly enhance the Egypt section of any armchair traveler's library, and could even be used as a supplementary guidebook for the more adventurous.
Add it to your library today!

The Land of Osiris
Stephen S. Mehler
Egyptologist Stephen S. Mehler has spent over 30 years researching the answers to these questions:
Was there a advanced prehistoric civilization in ancient Egypt?
Who were the people who built the great pyramids?
Who carved the Great Sphinx?
Did the pyramids serve as energy devices and not as tombs for kings?
Mehler believes the answers are "Yes!" An indigenous oral tradition still exists in Egypt, he has been able to uncover and study it with the help of a living master of this tradition, Abd'El Hakim Awyan. He has also been given permission to share these teachings presented heretofore in fragments by other researchers to the Western world, teachings that unfold a whole new understanding of ancient Egypt.
(Review by Amazon.com)
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The Giza Power Plant
Christopher P. Dunn
Suspicion naturally arises when you read a promo line on a back cover that says, "This is the most important book concerning the Great Pyramid written in the last 20 years." In this case, however, it may be fact. In writing The Giza Power Plant, mechanical engineer Christopher Dunn reverse-engineered the Great Pyramid at Giza to discover its use. His startling conclusions blow the heck out of traditional Egyptology's rather silly notions that it was built with copper tools by a society that lacked the wheel. While revisionist pyramid studies are rife with ridiculous theories that give the topic a bad name, The Giza Power Plant takes into account existing fact and artifact without having to rely on unprovable assertions. A must-read for truth seekers who aren't afraid to consider the idea that Western culture of the 21st century may not be the pinnacle of human evolution and achievement.
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The Giza Death Star
Joseph P. Farrell
Farrell theorized that the Great Pyramid was a terrible weapon of mass destruction, used by by a technological advanced ancient civilization in the mist of pre-history and sets today on the Giza Plateau disarmed but ready!
Farrell's technical civilization is the 'doner' civilization that provided the foundation of the Egyptian civilization that existed in the Nile Valley some 5,000 years ago.
What kind of civilization would have designed and built such an awsome weapon of mass destruction as envisioned by Farrell, and apparently used it with no hesitation against their fellow man? A civilization not unlike those that arose from the foundations and ashes of older extinct civilizations. A civilization subject to all the faults and foibles of human beings, hatred, love jealously and greed. No different than those in existance today and poised to destroy the world.
Farrell speculates, the "Great Pyramid was a phase congugate mirror(magic mirror of legends),and howitzer, utilizing Bohm's 'pilot wave' as a carrier to acelerate electromagnetic and acoustal waves to a target via harmonic interfermetry." Ferrell believes that the chambers and passageways of the Great Pyramid were used as a series of loops to generate and amplyfy these gravito-acoustical waves and direct them to their target.
Farrell finds traces of this ancient science he calls "Paleophysics" in the ancient and obsecure texts of Egypt.
If Ferrell's asumptions are correct, this ancient weapons system was the most powerful weapon ever to exist on Earth. Even today, with our advanced technology, the technology involved in the building of this weapon system can only exist in dreams. This is the grist for the mills of science fiction that dream of the theories of Nikola Tessla, The Montouk Project, the Philadelphia Experiment, and Area 51. These are the technologies our government is allways accused of developing in secret labortories and witholding from the public.
After reading the "Giza Death Star", readers will never be able to look at the Giza Plateau and its mysterious pyramids and buildings in the same old way!
After reading the "Giza Death Star", find a copy of Hamlet's Mill and read it with a critical eye.
Sleep well tonight, keeping in mind that a government scientist in a weapons laboratory at an isolated location may be reading these same works!
(Review by Amazon.com)
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The Giza Death Star Deployed
Joseph P. Farrell
"The Giza Death Star Deployed" will completely change the way you think about ancient (pre-flood?) history. Though Mr. Farrell failed to convince of the fact that the Great Pyramid of Giza was necessarily a weapon, I am completely convinced that it was not built as a tomb. Joseph Farrell examines all the evidence, archaeological, historical, literary, and scientific, leaving no stone unturned. When I first picked up the book, I thought, as anyone would, "is he serious?". But even scanning through the book, I could tell that he was. Suffice it to say that you will never think of the pyramids of Giza the same. For a fresh look at ancient history (along with much, much more) read this book.
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